
Help thousands of Jews celebrate Passover, some for the first time,
by donating to Project Inspire's Passover campaign

Host a less affiliated Jew for Pesach

Download educational materials below for tips and pointers to share, explaining the beauty of the holiday

Project Inspire Pesach seder boxes will be sent to less-affiliated Jews before the holiday which will include matzahs, grape juice and a haggada
Donate Today!


Pesach Intro
Haggada Companion
Pesach Brochure
Passover Perspectives: Insights, Traditions, and Celebrations

Project Inspire's revolutionary approach is utilizing the unlimited potential of committed Jews to connect and inspire Jews of all backgrounds.

• Over 2,000 individuals have embarked on transformative journeys to Israel through Project Inspire, igniting within them a profound connection to Judaism that resonates deeply in their lives.

• Nearly 1,000 men and women have participated in the immersive three-day retreats organized by Project Inspire. Emerging from these experiences, they fervently commit to ongoing learning partnerships, infusing Judaism with newfound significance and relevance in their daily existence.

• Empowered by a shared vision, more than 100 passionate leaders have spearheaded dynamic Holiday and learning initiatives through Project Inspire. Their unwavering dedication extends a welcoming embrace to Jews of all backgrounds, fostering vibrant engagement and unity within their communities.